Thomas D. Hast, CPMâ has been providing investment consulting to clients all over the United States for the past 25 years. Utilizing his extensive knowledge of real estate investment development, acquisition, valuation, financing, leasing, management, maintenance, and rehabilitation, Hast has consulted on the full range of investment issues facing developers, investors, and lenders. He also has considerable experience in addressing general business issues in both the profit and non-profit worlds.
Specific jobs have included work in the following areas:
· Analysis and evaluation of potential residential and commercial property acquisitions.
· Analysis of existing portfolio properties to determine how operations, management, and cash flow can be improved.
· Evaluation of existing leasing and property management operations.
· Resolution of conflicts between parties including developer/homeowner association, developer/lender, owner/lender, landlord/tenant, and owner/manager.
· Design review of proposed developments from a property management perspective.
· Financial and marketing projections for proposed developments.
· Governance design and drafting for new and proposed owner associations.
· Receivership and REO services
· Expert witness services.
For consulting work, we are willing to travel anywhere in the United States and Canada.
For additional information and specific references for past work performed, please contact Mr. Hast.
Also see the other pages on this site addressing developer services, receivership and REO services, and expert witness services by clicking on the links below.